That’s A Wrap

Thank you to everyone who attended the shows over the weekend and made our event a success. I apologise for again missing another festival. I miss our little community of friends; not being able to attend was tough for me this year. But the fact we were able to continue despite the year we have all had is a win.

I’m grateful that we have such an amazing team of people working on the festival, and I would like to take the time to give them the credit they deserve. You guys do all the heavy lifting; I’m just the dude that writes emails. Firstly, all the artists that performed this year. Again, another weird year for us, and I would like to thank you for your professionalism, creativity, and musicianship. It’s very inspiring for me to be able to work for you, to Ronnie Woods. Our producer and treasurer, thank you for having the courage to put on the festival and for your continued faith in me. The Brisbane Jazz Club: Paul Day, Allan Western, Kirsten White, the committee, co-ordinators, bar staff and volunteers. Mark Smith, for his brilliant work on sound production. Mary Brettell for the photography and social media admin. Our lady in Amsterdam, Irene Ypenburg, for the wonderful artwork and design which has graced this years’ poster, website, and social media profiles. Camaron De La Vega for organising the after-show jams. El Patron, Ian Date and Marcus Holden for the advice, the family of Ewan MacKenzie for being the amazing people you are. To our sponsors, thank you for supporting us and helping to give our favourite music and musicians a home, a stage, and the attention they deserve.

Special thanks to everyone that took the time to send me a message or an update over the weekend. It meant the world to me.

Here’s a Youtube playlist of 2021 performances

See you next year.



Jazz Manouche Journal Issue #2 Now Available.


For Gypsy Jazz Guitarists!