OzManouche 2020 Wrap Up
Hi Everyone,
A heartfelt thank you to all the people that contributed to OzManouche this year. Our treasurer and producer, Ronnie Woods, photography and graphic design, Mary Brettell, poster art and graphic design, Irene Ypenburg, live sound, Mark Smith. Camaron De La Vega aka Cameron Ford for organising and running the jam sessions. At the BJC Paul Day, Allan Western, Kirsten White, bar staff and volunteers. And the family of Ewan Mackenzie.
I’d also like to thank all of the musicians that performed over the weekend, especially under such completely different circumstances. It’s an inspiration for me to work with you all. I'm very grateful to be a small part of this community we have.
Thanks to our wonderful audience for your continued support of OzManouche and my apologies to those of you who were unable to get tickets. We did our very best under the circumstances, and we thank you for your understanding.
Thanks to everyone that contacted me over the weekend with updates and messages of support. I much appreciated it. It meant a great deal to me.
We will see you next year.
-Cameron Jones
OzManouche Creative Director